Was my mom the only one making these in the 70’s in the 80’s back in the day? (side note: When did MY decades start sounding so LONG AGO!?)
I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talk about baked french toast outside of my own family. Which I find strange because it is SO GOOD!
Baked French Toast was an absolute family favorite when I was young…and now, my family loves it too.
It’s really a brilliant idea for a bigger family, for holidays, or for company.
The beautiful thing is, you CAN prepare it ahead, stick it in the fridge and then bake it in the morning. Much less stressful than standing over the griddle flipping french toast one piece at a time. Which, by the way, I have pretty much learned to do in my sleep. But still, I’d rather not.
Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside: Baked french toast is truly a most excellent breakfast.
It’s much simpler than you’d think, so let’s get on with it!
All you need is your basic french toast ingredients, + Special K cereal, or any flakey cereal that you might have.
You simply dip each piece of bread in the milk/egg mixture, then dip it in the crushed cereal. Cover it well on both sides. Then lay it on a baking pan.
Next you’ll want to drizzle some melted butter over each piece. (ah, say “buttahhh.”)
Bake at 400 degrees, for 10-15 minutes. **Just check for it to turn golden, and crunchy! (Mine took 12.)
For you healthier types, you can really cover your bread with any variety of things you like. For fun, and because sometimes I try to be the healthier type, I covered FOUR of mine with a combo of flax seed, oats, and Special K. (see below, top four.) YUM!! *At least I know my boys will leave a few for me that way! haha.
(My mom has also used crushed nuts, and coconut flakes. It’s all good!)
I always sprinkle some powdered sugar on french toast. But my boys still have to add syrup.
Is there a kid on the planet that doesn’t love maple syrup? Someone, tell me.
However, Luke proved today that you can also just as easily cut a chunk off and eat it by hand…While mom turns her back.
Which is rather convenient.
Even if sneaky.
Let me know how you like it, ok?
jules gardner says
Do you flip over the slices mid way during baking?
Sounds DE ~ LISH!
Jules(mom of 4 boys!)
Monica says
Hey Jules!! 🙂 I usually do just open the oven and do a little stir around at some point! Hope you love it! 😉
Sandy says
So there is a restaurant here in Mac called Wildwood. It’s signature breakfast item is a thick cut (I’m talking 1.5-2 inches) piece of granola crusted French toast. It is to die for.
Monica says
Yum!!!I’m gonna make sure to go there next time I’m in town. Which hopefully will in the next year! 😉 XO
C says
I made this tonight for my dad. Wow! Thanks for the recipe! I will never ever go back to the traditional way again! I put coconut on mine and I loved it! Thanks again. 🙂
Lucy K says
Yum! Sounds delicious and healthy 🙂
Kirsten/Comfortably Domestic says
I’m so excited to try this! I hate soggy food of any kind. I’m sure my boys will be thrilled with the crunch.
mom says
Num–makes me hungry! Haven’t made that for a long time. I’ll have to try it on gluten-free bread and see if it makes it taste any better!
grommom says
Yes, I was thinking about that mom. Wondering if we could tweak it and make it good. Worth a try! 🙂
Jeanne (NanaBread) says
Okay, that looks much better than the sometimes soggy traditional way I grew up making it. I love the crunchy coating (and the fresh fruit). I wish I lived on your street so I could barter baked goods for fresh fruit from your yard. 🙂
grommom says
Oh that is MY kinda bartering! I’ll start my list of requested baked goods now!
Can’t wait tip you at least come visit!
And yes, that crunch adds a whole new dimension to soggy french toast. Hope you enjoy!