Since I took you along as we did our skate park project last month, I thought you might appreciate this:
Special feature about our family–and skate park–in the Hawaii Home and Remodel Magazine!
The writer–Brooke Laporte, and photographer–Aaron Yoshino, spent an afternoon with us last month, hanging out and taking in the very typical going-ons of our family’s life.
I had actually thought they were just coming over to scope out the new skate park, so when they asked to come in and take some pictures of me in the kitchen, I was like “Kitchen! Whose kitchen!?” Then I quickly sent them out with Dave and Levi on the tractor, while I hid dirty dishes and tucked wayward school supplies into junk drawers. They eventually found their way back into the kitchen, where Jonah and I blended up smoothies, and just tried to act natural.
You can hop over to read the article, and see more photos from their visit, here.
Meanwhile, Aaron was kind enough to let me share a few of the other photos he took that day! (thanks Aaron!)
If you like gorgeous home magazines (who doesn’t!?) and would like to get your hands on a hard copy of Hawaii Home and Remodel Magazine, you can sign up for a subscription over at their site! Then you have access to it on tablets, devices, or (my favorite!) the old fashioned hold-in-your-hands-and-flip-through-the-pages-way!
**Of course if you’re lucky enough to live in Hawaii, you can pick up free copies of the magazine at most home stores (Lowes, Home Depot, etc.) It has been our favorite resource for home and remodel ideas for many years!
Thank you again to Hawaii Home and Remodel Magazine for visiting our home and sharing our life with your readers! 🙂
With Aloha,
Sandy says
Well my plans for the past weekend included a nice stormy weekend at the Oregon Coast for church women’s retreat. Such a great time I am just now getting to catch up on my blog reading.
What a beautiful day in the life of a deserving family.
Rennie says
How can you lose with an opening line of “In a patch of banana trees a kitten can be heard hunting lizards”? I submit that you cannot! 🙂 What a fun li’l feature! Everything looks fab!
And high five to Luke! May he bring home an epic win. 🙂
Real-life magazines are the beyust! Come to me, glossy pages…
Alexandra says
Congratulations on the feature!!! Well deserved – your family is the sweetest.
Warm Regards,
Wendy says
Loved sharing this with my guy. Also looked through the online article from the magazine. So good. So fun! My two favorite pics were 1) your littlest “dropping into the bowl”, and 2) your littles being lifted up into the tree to pick some fresh fruit. Eager to hear how this week goes…
Shannon says
What a thrill for you all! Photos look awesome and it seems like the skate park is paying off!
Lidian says
It is a great reward for all the work hard and sweat.. God bless your beautiful sweet family.:)
Elizabeth says
love your blog! Just found it through Shutterbean.
Monica says
Thank you Elizabeth. It was so nice of Shutterbean to share my post! 🙂 Glad you’re here! Aloha!
Michele Sparrow says
We live in Santa Cruz, CA and have two boys. They are almost 17 and 19. The younger has been skating since he was 5 and when he saw your photos, he said “Mom, we NEED to do what they did!” Our older son is a surfer (as well as an incredible soccer player, playing since he was 4) so I love the fact that you invest your energy and time into your boys with their interests. We absolutely love our boys. It’s such fun to read your blog and see your posts about them and your lives there. Thank you for sharing. Now I only wish I could get someone to come and remodel our yard into a soccer park! 🙂
Michele Sparrow says
I meant skate park! Although a soccer park wouldn’t be too shabby, either! 😉
Terra says
Hi my beautiful friend!
Can I just say how ridiculously awesome following you and your ahhhhhhmazing
family has been since I signed on a month ago.
I feel like im back in Hawaii again! Seriously!!
Your wordsmithing & life as you see it is beautifully written by a very talented Mom/Wife/chef/teacher/Gardener/interior designer & writer extraordinaire.
Thanks for sharing Monica, your posts are delight to read, especially that I’m able to see the latest as well as feel like I’m right there smelling the North Shore
Have fun in Waikiki. Can’t wait for the pics.
Joanne says
Hi Monica
Love reading your blog from here in the UK, my husband and I are huge Hawaii 5-0 fans too so loved seeing the fleeting glimpse of your family a few episodes ago!
My weekend
Karyl Kemper says
Gorgeous pictures! I always love seeing how beautiful it is there in Hawaii!
I’ll be praying for your son in his competition, for safety & success!!! 🙂
Stephanie says
Silly question, but do you use a Vitamix for all of your smoothies? They are supposed to be top notch and give the truly smoothest smoothies! I don’t have one but was considering taking the plunge!
Thanks! Love your blog! It enlightens and entertains. Beautiful fam!
Paige says
How fun!