6 Important things to do, especially during busy seasons.
{**Be sure to scroll down and read a little note in my PS at the end! 🙂 }
It’s that time of the year again, when everyone seems to be running in different directions. School. Work. Sports. Activities. Sometimes it feels like we’re a bunch of ships passing in the night. These are the days we tend to skip workouts, eat meals on-the-go, and fall asleep saying our prayers. I have personally ended more days than I care to admit asking myself if I had any real conversations with my teenagers that day…And “Did I forget to floss Levi’s teeth (again?)” Also: When’s the last time I spent quality time with my husband?
The truth is: Some very full days can be empty of meaning.Click To TweetNo judgement here. Clearly– I get it. Life. Is. Busy. And when life is busy we all tend to let certain things go. (Like, how important is flossing, anyways? ?)
But I’m here to remind you — and me — that there are a few things we should NOT neglect, no matter how busy the days are.
So here’s my list of 6 things we should all do every day..especially on the busy days!
Talk to your kids.
As in: Put your phone away, and be present with your children, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. Of course when they’re little, their chatter can drive you crazy test your patience, but I do believe that if you listen to the small stuff now, they’ll be more likely to let you in on the bigger stuff later. If you have teens, ask them questions and then give them your undivided attention. They may act disinterested, but given enough time, they usually do start talking.
(this post might help. )
{Also, if you haven’t yet, be sure to download my popular printable: 7 Weekly Habits for Deeper Connections with your Kids here! }
Eat some meals together.
Like, sit down. At a table. Together. Even if it’s a quick meal! I’ll be sharing some convincing data in my Boy Mom book, but suffice it to say kids who eat regular meals with the family do better in almost every area of life. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be fancy or even homemade. Just put the food on the table and eat it. Together. (and you already know this rule, but just a reminder: put the phones away while you eat!)
Invest in your marriage.
When things are busy, it’s easy to put our spouse at the end of our priority list. We tend to take each other for granted…to be co-parents and roommates. (after all, “it’s just a season!” we say.) But one season leads to the next and it’s a lot easier to maintain a healthy marriage now than to repair a broken one later. It doesn’t have to be complicated: A playful touch as he walks by. A short evening walk alone to catch up. A flirty text message. Hold that ‘welcome home’ kiss a few extra seconds. (and let the kids see — they love to hate this stuff!) Make marriage a priority, on the daily.♥️
Put yourself to bed (with a good book, when possible.)
It may be counter-intuitive, but the busier you are, the more you need to prioritize your rest. It’s easy to let work spill over into your down time. You hop on the computer to finish a project, then respond to an email, and soon enough you’re scrolling through Facebook like a zombie. (or is that just me?) I’m working on a set time to make a cup of tea, grab a good book, and settle into bed.
BTW: These two book just arrived and I am devouring them both already —
The Year of Living Happy: Finding Contentment and Connection in a Crazy World
Preach to Yourself: When Your Inner Critic Comes Calling, Talk Back with Truth
Stay Grounded Spiritually
Have you ever heard Martin Luther’s way of dealing with busy days? “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
OK, so Luther was radical.
But really. I know when I take the time to pray and read the Bible in the morning, it changes the entire direction of my day. Also, church…worship, and spending time with people who speak truth into my life. This fall felt like the most hectic time ever for me –with book edits and other projects (not to mention homeschooling 3 boys!) but I said yes to a small group women’s study. And the truth is: I may leave the house feeling a little hectic some Wednesday evenings, but I always come home refreshed. Two things are for sure: we need God and we need each other…especially on busy days!
Get a Little Exercise:
A few minutes of huff and puff, a couple of times a week is all I have time for in this busy season. But it’s enough to clear my mind and refresh me physically. It’s easy to put workouts off when we’re busy, but we might ask ourselves: Have I ever regretted a workout?
How about you, friends? What do you tend to neglect when life is busy? What area of life do you personally commit to, even in the busy seasons? (come on, inspire us!)
Hope something in this list was a good reminder. Take care of yourself and do what you can to enjoy the season.
Also: Flossing is probably a good idea too.
PS Note: I am posting a bit less here on the blog these days, but will be sending more valuable updates, as well as encouragement (and maybe some special offers 😉 ) via email to subscribers. If you missed the announcement about my new Island Inspirations email series, be sure to go back and read about that (and sign up for it!) HERE. (and thanks to those of you who told me you love it, AND who have shared images on social media! Yay!)
Elaine says
Thanks Monica!! Just the reminder I needed this week. A little investment everyday has a big pay off long term!
Heidi Borgeas says
Aloha Monica. Just to be a voice of encouragement – I love “hearing” your thoughts when I read your words. Make my day a little brighter and give me pause as to how to keep my marriage/life/children/spiritual place/ right where they are supposed to be = at the center and not all the other stuff that can clutter up our lives. Mahalo and hope you have a great day, Heidi
Monica says
Thank you Heidi!! This means SO much to me. Thank you! Blessings to you this fall! xoxo Aloha-
Butch Perreira says
Super good advice!!! Keep up the blog, you always have something good to share!!!
Monica says
Thank you Butch!! We miss you, BTW. 😉 Aloha!!
Sheena Carnie says
You floss your kids’ teeth! Well done! That’s definitely low down on my list of priorities 😉
Love your post as always – speaks a great deal to me at the moment. Two of the things I am good at though is having dinner together as a family nearly every night, and never missing my Friday morning ladies prayer group meeting. I find driving in the car to/from school/sport/friends is where a lot of the good conversations happen with my teenager – have to work harder to make them happen with my 20 year old who drives himself everywhere nowadays.
Have a fab day!
Monica says
Thank you Sheena!
Well, my boys are all mostly independent now (the little flosser sticks make it much easier!) but I definitely need to give some reminders! 😉
Friday morning prayer sounds wonderful! And yes to car-time conversations.
My 19 and I have been mostly texting, but that is fun in its own way. 🙂 Much aloha to you!
Kathryn Egly says
Love this! Great tips (from another boymom x4)
Monica says
ah thank you Kathryn! And just had a visit to your site. You have a beautiful family and loved what I saw over there! 🙂 aloha-