Hi Friends!
Ok, I am waaaay too excited about this news:
The blog is all fresh and new!
I mean, design-wise — it has all been remade…re-did, re-done (?)…MADE-OVER!!
I’ve been dreaming of a new look for, um, years!…and I am so excited with how it has all come together! While spending way-to-many-hours working on everything this week (I told Gretchen, my tech wizard, we could win an email-speed contest for how quickly we could shoot messages back and forth as she worked on coding and asked questions and I answered and then asked a question back, and it seriously felt like email-ping-pong on high-speed.)
Anyways, my husband questioned me a couple of times, saying (very kindly,) “Is this really THAT big of a deal?” To which I could only explain that my blog home, to me, is like my little shop (or cafe, or book store) in a cute little town. (I love cute little towns.) And yes it is important!! I want just the right colors and the right interior, and I want there to be fresh coffee and biscuits for my visitors…Because I may never get to have that cute little shop in that cute little town (does anyone else dream of that?) but I have THIS…My little corner of the internet…And I want it to be so welcoming and such a special place for friends to come and hang out!
And ok I got really carried away there. But you get me, right?
Now — I know most of you read my blog on your phone, and that’s totally cool. But just this once, would you do me a favor and hop on a real computer and have a look? Be sure to CLICK ON HOME to see the new entryway (living room? I’m not sure..) The phone version is great (thanks to Gretchen’s work) but I want you to see the real place…the full shop experience…and then to click around and get familiar.
There are new things! New features! A brand new Start Here page (to help you get oriented with the site!)
Also a new About Page (which I’m likely to change a few more times because I get really weird when it comes to the About page…)
There’s a BOOK page where you can (FINALLY!) sign up to be on the first-to-know list for BOY MOM BOOK stuff, and get notified when the LAUNCH TEAM OPENS (because there will be limited space.) Go ahead hop over there now and sign up — I’ll wait here!
There’s a speaking page…
AND…there’s a Hawaii/TRAVEL page !!! (which both will be developed over time!)
But, here’s the thing:
The site is done, but it’s not totally done. There are a few remaining issues and projects that I’ll be tackling next week. I just couldn’t wait to share the news now. (I was the pregnant girl who never ever waited until I hit 12 weeks to tell people. As soon as I found out I was like “Let’s just tell everyone!!”)
One issue (and sorry in advance) is we are trying to figure out how to SPEED things up. If you click around and the site is slow to open, hang in there– we are working on it.
—Next week we’ll be updating the recipes into a lovely gallery. I will also be filling in many of the pages and a few blank spots on the site currently. It’s like a house (or my shop) — the first weekend you move in…it’s exciting, but not COMPLETE. 🙂
There will also be something BRAND NEW coming out next week, which I am so excited to share with you.
(If you are a subscriber you’ll hear about it first!)(and look at me, practicing self-control and not telling you about it yet!)
As for now, I’d love to get some feedback on the so-far state of the blog! I’ll take any positives, and even constructive criticism (but be nice, it’s been a long week.) Is there too much color? I LOVE color, but I don’t want it to look like a candy store… (or do I? 🙂 ) Anything I missed? Definitely notice that I’m asking for your input on my TRAVEL page! (I know some of you have good stuff to share!)
What else?… Shoot me an email at: [email protected] or comment below! And it would be SO kind of you to share my new site with your friends using social media buttons (or your voice!) Thank you!
Now I have to give BIG THANKS to the people who helped put this site together. The incredible coding, customizing, (and email-ping-pong) skills of Gretchen Louise, and design work of Angela Bouma…along with photos by the talented photographer (and my friend 😉 ) Emily Turner.
With so much Aloha,
PS One more exciting piece of news: My BOY MOM BOOK just landed back in my in-box for my FINAL ROUND OF EDITS! That means it’s almost done done done…(prayers appreciated for the next 3 weeks!) We chose the cover!! (See BOOK PAGE) and it appears this thing is really happening! Thank you God and thank you friends!!
Tina says
I like the airiness, font style size, style, and spacing! Really easy on my eyes (and head). Love the color scheme as well! Look forward to exploring the new blog layout!
Monica says
Thank you so much! I’m totally not a design person so not one to notice a lot of details..>UNTIL I started planning my blog redo, then I was overwhelmed with decisions! 😉 So thank you for noticing!! Much aloha–
Shannon says
Monica- the site looks incredible and inviting! Congrats!
Monica says
Thank you so much, Shannon! That makes me so happy…A few more projects to go, but feels so good to be settling in to the new home! 🙂 Aloha –
Jono says
Hey, Monica, the new blog looks great!!!!!! It has an awesome refreshing feel to it that just invites you to dive right on in. I love the Home tab as it is really easy to move around and find what you are looking for. You and your team have done an awesome job.
Monica says
Oh thank you so much Jono!! That means so much to me… 🙂 Blessings to you and have a great weekend!
Susi says
Hi Monica! Love the look of the new site. My eye keeps getting drawn to your header – I love the leaf and the color. I’m a huge fan of blue and usually have some form of blue on my own blog. 🙂 It’s funny you asked to open up the blog on an actual computer because when I saw that you have a new site design on my phone, I put it down and opened up my laptop to get the full experience.
Have a great weekend! xo
Monica says
awww, thank you so much!! That means a lot. 🙂 Blessings to you!
Ana B. says
Beautiful. So proud of you! Beautifully done. 🙂
Monica says
Thank you my friend! You’re such an encouragement to me always!
Judy Huf says
LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. So very “you” Monica. It looks gorgeous and is so easy to navigate and read. Way to go. You nailed it! xo
Monica says
You’re the best, Judy! Thank you. Sending hugs 🙂
Aileen says
Looks fantastic! Congratulations Monica! I am very happy for you.
Monica says
Thank you so much! XOXO
Heather Toews says
It’s lovely, Monica. Just lovely. Well done.
Monica says
Thank you Heather. Truly appreciate it!! Aloha-