A list of books to encourage your family now (Psst: A special book giveaway at the end!!)
When it comes to reading great books, most women I know (including me!!) only wish they had more time. I have some blurry memories of days curled up with a great novel; days when I couldn’t put the book down it was so good….Anyone else have distant memories like that?
But when it comes to books about parenting and family life, I find time. I can’t imagine life without them! I may not lose myself for hours at a time in them, but you’re likely to find me carrying one around the house to slip in a page here or there…and there’s almost always one in the bottom of my purse or bag, just waiting for a spare minute to dive in and get some fresh inspiration. I read a few pages (usually out loud to my husband) before bed at night.
Good books have been my parenting lifeline, and I am forever grateful for them.
This summer I’ve been so encouraged by a few specific books, so I wanted to share them with you, too. The first two on my list are just for us moms, and wow are these life-giving and grace-filled. (I am also honored to have my personal endorsements included in the front of these two books!)
I’ll share just a few things I love about each book, and then you’ll find a link to them below the image!
MOM SET FREE, by Jeannie Cunnion launches next week–on August 29th! Jeannie is a lovely four-boy momma, and though we’ve never met in person, I feel such a connection to her. But here’s my little secret: When I first received the early copy of Mom Set Free, I told myself it wasn’t really for me…I’m not exactly a perfectionist (haha, just check my sock drawer and you’ll agree!) and I’m a big believer in God’s grace in all things. Yet as I read the pages, a light shined on my own heart, revealing things I hadn’t even seen before. Oh how I needed this! Jeannie beautifully reminds us that we cannot parent our kids with grace if we aren’t receiving it in our own lives. I think this is a message for all of us!
ORDER HERE: Mom Set Free: Find Relief from the Pressure to Get It All Right
Then be sure to click on THIS LINK to grab all of the fun goodies for anyone who pre-orders by August 29th! (And see the end of this post for a special giveaway!)
GOSPEL CENTERED MOM, by Brooke McGlothlin, just launched a few weeks ago. Brooke is the co-founder of the MOB Society (where I am a team writer.) What I loved most about this book was the conviction and transparency with which Brooke writes. Spoken like a true friend, she tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Brooke shares a “Gospel centered approach” to all things parenting, which is a great tool for dealing with literally all of the daily things we face as Moms. If you are a Christian, trying to raise kids to know and love the Lord, I think you’ll find incredibly practical help, and truths that will resonate with your spirit. Get it!
ORDER HERE: Gospel-Centered Mom: The Freeing Truth About What Your Kids Really Need
SHAKEN: Tim Tebow is simply one of my favorite modern-day role models for my boys. We started reading his new book, Shaken, as a family, and then my husband took it over to read on his own! (I can’t say for sure, but I think I might have caught him wiping a tear or two throughout it. — Shhh!) Tebow is rock. solid. His faith and understanding of identity issues resonate with our heart for our boys, and his story gives us tons of inspiration to keep it up! This book is a must for you and your kids to read as it will inspire a deeper understanding of identity, purpose, and a lifetime of perspective. (and if your kids are involved in sports, I think this should be required family reading!)
ORDER HERE: Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms
MULTIPLY, by Francis Chan’s. I have not read this book yet, but since so many people ask what my teenage sons read, I thought I would include it. My oldest son just finished going through this with his youth group leader. Josiah calls it a “disciple making handbook.” He said it equipped him to “walk someone else through the Bible in an easy-to-understand way, with questions that make you think.” (And the proof is in the pudding as he is walking out the door right now to meet with a friend to begin going through the same book together. 🙂 )
ORDER HERE: Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples
THE TECH-WISE FAMILY is my most recent read, and I love it. I heard the author, Andy Crouch interviewed on Phil Vischer’s podcast (Phil is the originator of Veggie Tales as well as all kinds of other genius things, most recently Jelly Telly where I have been a team-writer as well.)
What I love about Tech-wise family is that it offers a very practical and reasonable approach to technology. Instead of making me feel guilty and condemned for our family’s addiction to technology use of a few devices (which is what I feared when I ordered it,) it inspired me to consider all of the ways my family might be stronger by simply “keeping technology in its proper place.” Through Crouch’s “Ten Tech-Wise Commitments”, I have been inspired to let my kids be bored, to make music, art, and conversation (!!) more of a central focus in our home, and to put my own darn phone away more often. 🙂 You’ll love this book!
ORDER HERE: The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place
Finally, after going a long time without a favorite kid’s devotional, this summer we found TWO that we really love!
STUDY BUDDY BIBLE STUDIES: My friend Amber Lia began a series of “Study Buddy” Bible Study guides to go through alongside our kids. Levi and I started with the Proverbs study (Amber more recently released two more studies: one on the Book of Psalms, and another on the book of James. I’ll be ordering both! ) We have really enjoyed the Proverbs study so far! Each day includes one or two verses with space to copy the verse, and just a couple of discussion questions. It is easy to follow, and SO do-able for even the busiest families! Amber is filling a great need in the area of kids’ Bible studies. I highly recommend this!
ORDER HERE: Study Buddy Bible Study Guide: Proverbs – Growing in Wisdom
THE ONE YEAR DEVOTIONS FOR BOYS: This 365 day devotional for boys is created by the One Year Bible. Following a small cast of characters through relatable stories, this devotional applies Biblical principles to things every boy will face. Levi (7 years old) is on the young side for this, but I still think he gets a lot out of every devotion. We look up the verses, then read the short devotional out loud to him. It’s one of the best boys’ devotionals we have found!
ORDER HERE: The One Year Book of Devotions for Boys
Though I have a stack of other books by my desk side (and my bed side and everywhere else) this covers my family-must-read list for now! I hope you get a chance to check out one or more of these books, and let me know what you think.
Now for a giveaway! Giveaway is closed!!
CONGRATS to Heather S., Niki, and Christie! (I have emailed the 3 winners, so if I don’t hear back from them by this Friday, I will choose another winner! 🙂 ) Enjoy the book, ladies!
Jeannie Cunnion wants to send a signed copy of her brand-new book, Mom Set Free, to THREE OF YOU! Leave a comment below sharing how you’d currently describe your state of mind as a mom! {Are you cruising steady? Enjoying a sweet season? Stressed out? Needing encouragement (or maybe just a really good night’s sleep?)} Share in comments and you’ll be entered to win a copy!
I’ll randomly choose THREE of you next Wednesday night, August 30th!
Thank you for being here and please come back next week for one final SUMMER OF FAVORITES GIVEAWAY! (If you love Hawaiian jewelry…you will not be disappointed!)
Please note: I am an Amazon Affiliate, so when you click-through to links on Amazon and purchase, I will receive a small percentage of the purchase price! Thank you for supporting my blogging efforts in this way.
PS If you’re like me and have been wanting to start enjoying AUDIO BOOKS, (but somehow feel overwhelmed by how to begin) I just came across this post by Jamie from Simple Homeschool. It gave me all the information I needed to dive in! Now I can’t wait to start listening to my first audio book! Long walks, and extended periods of sloooowly folding laundry, here I come! (a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do…)
Jamie says
Listening to books through Audible has been life-changing for me. It has allowed me to finish more books than I could have imagined. I listen in the car, while folding laundry, ironing, doing chores around the house, cooking dinner etc. I highly recommend it!!
I agree that “shaken” was incredible. Tim Tebow just published a new book this month and that was great too. It’s a must read as well.
Sanya Tragesser says
I’m a boymom working on surviving them and surviving myself. I need badly to get better about me time for my sanity (and there’s)
Harmony says
In the midst of toddlerhood!! But thanks to many wonderful “mentors” I am seeing more positive results in my life and family.
Jen S. says
Our life is in constant motion and a state of overwhelm. Busy mom of 4 trying who isn’t getting much sleep thanks to a one year old cutting his molars and then trying to keep up with the older 3 in school, activities and trying to get the basics done around the house. I have a never ending to-do list. This book is one I definitely need to read!
Rachel Baluha says
We are in a lovely season right now! With two boys 10 and 6 and one girl 2, you just never know what the day will bring! Ups and downs and emotions run high when Mom is stressed. I try to put my focus on God and what he has fire is before I start my day (even if it’s a two second prayer right before I run to get a screaming toddler). Can’t wait to read this book!
Stacy says
We are in a great season right now. But, with 2 teen/near teen boys I could always use some helpful words and great ways to be taught how to be a better mom! The books you posted about all seem like wonderful tools to get us going. I loved your archived post about books that you have used for character study. We just started a character study portion of our homeschool day and are loving this!
Emily Laturell says
Currently in a season of trying to do it all and feeling like I cannot do everything at 100%. It is a little discouraging because when I feel like I’m finally winning at being a mom, I’m failing at being a wife. Or when I’m winning at being a wife , I’m failing at being a teacher (homeschool mom). I cannot seem to find the balance!
Monica says
Balance is overrated. haha. Really, I’m learning to accept that we will never fully find balance but should aim for feeling good about what we are doing at the moment. If you are mindful then you are probably doing better than you think! It’s part of motherhood and so exhausting, but do give yourself credit! Blessings and hang in there! aloha-
Ronda says
My state of mind . . . I’m trying to embrace change. My youngest child (my only boy) is now 14, driving, and he just began working at the grocery store. SO many changes, yet I still look at him and see a sweet, blonde little boy. So I’m struggling a bit, but am confident that I’ll find my groove again soon.
Monica says
Ronda–Where you do live that your 14 yr. old can drive!? that’s crazy! I know it is so hard to see them grow up before your very eyes. Just enjoy today and yes you’ll find your groove! much aloha– 🙂
Jennifer says
In the craziness, trying to do it all, full time working mom with a very active 13 year old, in the middle of a major kitchen reno and going months without cooking (someone please cook me a healthy meal that’s not fast food;) while also active at church and in parent organization at school and remodeling a rental house as well. Pretty sure my husband and I just pass each other in the halls with a quick kiss on the cheek right now.
Janice says
I’m in a take each day one at a time stage. I have five little kids ages 9 and under and sometimes it’s all I can do to just keep going. Thank you for these book recommendations. I love to read things that teach and encourage me as a mom!
Kim says
I’m in the trenches in this season. We are 10 months into having an adopted a 6 and 3 year old. So much to learn about children with trauma while balancing my 3 bio children. God is good and I keep having divine appointments with Godly encouragers.
Kristen says
Feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed lately as I also have four boys! Ages 10 months to 6 years old. Looking forward to one day sleeping through the night again, but at the same wanting to hold on to these little years.
Love your blog! You’re an inspiration!
Becki Ashton says
definitely need Mom Set Free right now as I just had to make the excruciating decision to put my 8th grader in public school after he has been only homeschooled since kindergarten. My mom-heart is broken, but family circumstances have changed and I am clinging to God as I have no choice– working 2 jobs leaves no time to homeschool– or anything else!
Monica says
oh bless you Becki! It’s all gonna be fine!! 🙂 You’ve laid a solid foundation and you can keep close to your child in a new way. Don’t stress–trust God! Thank you for the comment, and please keep me posted! aloha-
Niki says
I’m mostly enjoying a sweet season of, “while they’re still home” but it’s a little hairy! The children are in private school so we have to get them there and back plus they’re now playing sports – whew! I thought last year with just one in a sport was hard! And I went back to work PT in January so that adds a whole new dynamic to things. Good times, good times! Thanks for the recommendations. I’ve passed some on to friends and added many to my goodreads list!
Denise says
Feeling pretty content at the moment without three boys- ages 13, 12, & 8. But, as all moms know, that could change in the bikini of an eye! I love parenting books and getting all sorts of ideas and input from others who have been there too.
Carley Metschke says
Perfect timing for this list, my husband and I are taking a trip in a few weeks with no kids! Yay grown up time! I’ll need a few books to read poolside. Thank you!
Megan says
I am in a good place! Just gave birth to a lovely daughter and my 2 boys are thriving in their roles as big brothers!
Kristen Gillis says
I am definitely in a sweet season with my two boys, ages 8 and 11! We had a very quiet summer (no camps!) but they showed a lot of maurity and helped around the house, and played well with each other. I love reading parenting and relationship books!
Maggie Porter says
Stressed out at the moment!! Moving from Dallas to Atlanta in 5 days! With a toddler! And our house hasn’t sold yet. But it’s going to be such a good move, and we’re excited to see what all God will do! Prayers appreciated?
Monica says
Awesome, Maggie! We’ve been in situations like that before, and yes–stressful indeed. But it sounds like a very positive move so good for you! Just said a prayer for you! 🙂 sending aloha-
Alicia Porras says
Cruising through, but each day needing recharging!
Anne says
I am stressed and confused why all I try to do for my son he doesn’t appreciate anything. I am a single mom who is living with her parents right now do to just finished a battle with cancer and needing knee replacements. Homeschooling my son in one class I had to put him back in a structured school to help him. I am constantly researching, reading, talking with people and trying new ideas to help my son get his behaviors and thoughts in check in hopes that he grows up to have the best life he can.
Monica says
Oh so sorry for your situation Anne. I am glad the cancer battle is done, and I hope you and your son can hit a “refresh” button and find some fun and loving connections to rebuild a relationship. perhaps finding a few outside activities will open up good conversation…Maybe a counselor is in order? Don’t give up. Thanks for commenting and praying for you now– aloha-
Alana says
I adored Jeannie Cunnion’s first book and cannot wait to read her next! My mom status right now is a slurry of tired/excited for new beginnings/wish I could focus on the pursuit of writing/trying to soak up the little years. My kids are 8, 6, 3, and 5 months…so yeah, things are crazy but good. So far I’ve loved the little years, and I’m kind of dreading the big, serious conversations my kids and I will need to start having soon. Got to hit the parenting books hard!
jen drury says
I am at peace, content, happy and feel like I am on the right track with my nearly 13 year old.
Monica says
how refreshing to hear!! 😉 Well done! And…keep it up.
Kermina Richter says
Currently it’s a new season of life with a parenting a toddler and a teenager at the same time. Hubby and I are trying for another baby and it has not happened as fast as with our toddler. But I am a true believer that it will happen when it’s meant to happen. Just trying to leave it in God’s hands.
Kate says
Hi, I am currently mother to 4 boys and a girl over in the UK. Our eldest is 12 and the baby is only 10 months old, so I am embarking on teenagedom with one foot still firmly in babyhood. I also homeschool, so my hands and heart are full! I would love to have time to read everything on your reading list but I have to read so much for my children’s curricula! Would definitely make time for Mom set free though!
Val says
Trying to fit it all in stage… Farming, 13 children and now grandchildren, home schooling over 30 years…. It never gets easier but God shows Himself stronger with each passing day!
Lauren says
I’m excited about trying some of these books! I’m currently in the “when-will-I-be-able-to-actually-read-a-book?” Stage! Hahaha! Will be MAKING time for these.
Megan Faltys says
Current state of mind as a mom: Overwhelmed, but trying to sit patient to allow God’s grace to work all things for good.
**PS – I appreciate all the book recommendations.
Monica says
You’re not alone…and thank you! 🙂 Hang in there and keep up the great work! aloha-
Jessica says
Mom Set Free looks very timely for me! I am a recovering perfectionistic Mom who is learning to really enjoy each day and keep calm amidst the chaos. Reading, prayer and yoga really help me.
Marci says
I homeschool my 2 sons. My oldest is in middle school this year and we are both adjusting to the added work and fluctuating emotions (in both of us. Lol) encouragement is always welcome as I strive to not grow weary doing good.
On another note I showed my boys (almost 12 and 7) the video your boys made and the photos they took. They thought everything was cool and promptly asked to go visit your neck of the woods. I must agree it does look gorgeous. We live not to far from South Carolina beaches but our water (as nice as it is) doesn’t compare to yours. ☺
Monica says
I love that, Marci. Keep up the great work, and definitely plan that Hawaiian Vacay! aloha-
Caroline says
Usually I am not very stressed out but with the start of school and the ironing out of schedules for three boys I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Thank you for all of these book suggestions they sound great.
Kora Moore says
I’m anxious and stressed out to be truthful! We are wrapping up summer and about to begin a new season of me going back to work after five years.
Monica says
You’re gonna do great, Kora! New seasons can certainly bring stress and anxiety, but jump in and enjoy it all. Much aloha
Kendra says
I’m enjoying a calm season after a very hard few years. We had to reintroduce grace and perspective. Looking fed to reading the tech book!! ?
Monica says
I love that!! Good for you. 🙂
Katie T says
I am loving the sweet ages of my boys (7 & 9). Though I struggle with raising these sweet, intelligent boys in today’s society. I am an old school mom (kids should be kids as long as possible) in a world that wants them to be little adults. I love this entire list of books and will be trying each of them.
Monica says
Yay, and good for you. I like your style!! 🙂 Much aloha and God bless–
Danja says
I am a mom of four, three boys and a girl. Three are now in elementary school and my littlest guy is at home with me. Life is crazy right now! But I am learning more about grace, the grace the Lord shows me in my failures and the grace that I want to show to my kids.
Monica says
Awesome Danja! Keep it up…You are on the right track and you will never regret that focus. Aloha to you-
Tina says
Mom Set free sounds like a wonderful, encouraging book. I’d love to read it!
I’m in a new to me stage of life. I have four daughters that I’ve homeschooled all along. 3 have graduated and are moving on following God’s leading for their lives, which includes 1 working missions in Central America, 1 attending a Bible/language immersion program in South America, and 1 in an amazing college 600 miles away. This will be the first time in 21 years of having an “only” child at home and the first time I’ve homeschooled high school for just one. So, I’d say that currently I waffle between sweet season (excited for my kids watching them fly) to contented where God has us to sometimes stressed (logistically one just went back to school and another is heading out of country in a week). Thank you for the book reviews and offering this giveaway.
Monica says
Oh Tina, I can only imagine…First of all: Huge congrats to you. What amazing accomplishments! You must be so proud. And though your heart has all of the emotions, I am sure God will fill your plate with new opportunities and callings now. Enjoy this season with only one, and keep me posted on all of the rest. Sending Aloha 🙂
Tina says
Thank you for your sweet response, Monica. God is so good and you are absolutely right about Him opening new opportunities. Each stage of life truly has its blessings. ?
Thank you for the sweet encouragement and realism you offer on your blog. I really enjoy it. ☺️
Kelly says
I feel like we are on the edge of a big transition. My son, almost 12, has gone through numerous health challenges through his life, and, God willing, it looks like his doctors might finally be resolving a couple of the most significant and impactful ones. We are also making the jump to homeschooling this fall. As his health issues resolve and his anxiety reduces knowing that he does not have to return to a classroom this fall, I have seen big changes in him. While that last 12 years have been more overwhelmingly difficult than I could have ever imagined, I can feel a peace begin to come over our family that I have prayed for daily since our parenting journey began. So, I think the place I am in as a mom right now is–hopeful, thankful, and excited for our new homeschooling adventure! Thanks for all of the wonderful posts that have encouraged me along the way. I don’t post comments much, but your perspectives and stories have helped me, and friends who I have forwarded your posts to!
Monica says
Oh Kelly, I am so happy for you and so excited for this new season. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but God knows, and indeed–how sweet to think things are shifting to a new start now. I pray for you that it is above and beyond even what you’re hoping for. Please do keep me posted! 🙂 And thank you for the very kind words–It’s ok that you don’t comment often, but I sure love hearing from you now. Aloha and God bless!
Ellen says
I am currently in a parenting state of trying-to-wait-patiently. Baby boy #4 (the grand finale ?) is due next month. I’m trying to focus on enjoying this time and my other three boys over how much I am ready to be done being pregnant and meet my new little man ?
Monica says
Wow, Ellen! So exciting. I remember those days waiting on #4…Bless your heart. Please keep me posted and do your best to rest and enjoy these days. (some good books will definitely help!) Aloha
Carrie says
I am in a good but stressful season.
Suzie says
A mother of 4 who knows I’m too blessed to be stressed but the truth is…being a mother is stressful. Full of worry and doubt if we are doing things right. Oh and I’m totally sleep deprived.
Monica says
Haha, you are not alone. Sounds like you have great perspective! 🙂 But please do get some rest–it makes everything better. (Speaking to myself as well here!) much aloha-
Callie says
I am busy in this season! Very busy. But learning how to stop and “smell the roses” in the midst of it all.
Christie says
We have just moved overseas again and I’m working through what our family life looks like in this new location and new season, as my boys start school all day for the first time (while I’m at home with their sister). I want to continue to be intentional in parenting but sometimes expat life feels like a lot of reacting…and so unlike what “everyone else” is doing, so there aren’t many mentors.
It’s a sweet time of life, though!
Monica says
Thanks for commenting, Christie. I can only try to imagine what that is like…I have so much respect for you and how you walk through these times. I encourage you to continue to embrace your sweet times, and to not even pay attention to what “everyone else” is doing…It’s never as good as people make it look and you are living an adventure! Blessings to you. aloha
Nicky says
I’m a mom of 4 – two teens and then twins aged 11. Boy, girl, boy, girl. So my life is Busy (with a capital B!). Like you I vaguely remember the days of reading a book from cover to cover all through the night (back in college?) but those days are long gone. Now I also mostly read Biblical study guides or Parenting books – in fits and starts. I have a table full next to my bed and inside the side table (also next to the bed…I’m ever hopeful!)
Thank you for your list, Monica. So inspirational. I definitely want to read some of those too.
In this season of my life I’d say I’m learning to let go more – and let God take over (especially when it comes to my kids!). I am venturing back into the work force a bit and learning to face my fears (about not getting it “right” always when it comes to parenting). Grace is probably something I need to extend myself a bit!!
Keep posting & encouraging – I always enjoy your blog ?
Kari Zamarripa says
Hi Monica,
Thank you for sharing your top book choices. I follow your blog and I am inspired by you in so many ways.
I have a middle school boy (8th grade) and I am feeling a little overwhelmed with high school around the corner. I love hearing you talk about raising boys and having open communication. You are such an encouragement! Thank you and God bless you!
Monica says
Thank you so much Kari! You’ve got this…Hang in there through this season! So happy to think I have encouraged you in your parenting. Please keep in touch and God bless you. Aloha
Tara says
I am tring to trust in the relationship foundation I have built between my eldest son and I as he begins his highschool journey in 2 weeks.
Sarah Puls says
Busy! and Sentimental! And a little Lonesome. The kids are growing up & doing more. Advancing in their sports & requiring more work in their schooling. Relationships with others are becoming more important. Feeling like a Taxi Driver. Thankful my Husband is here to help. Would love a new book & have ordered your recommendations in the past & been glad. Mahalo Grom Mom!
Cara says
Thank you so much! I am a home-schooling Pastor’s wife of three who needs encouragement right now.
Jessica Chapman says
I’d say I’m currently in a go go go state of mind as a mom who needs to find ways to slow down and enjoy “life” more. This book sounds like wonderful encouragement for this!
KatieH says
I need to give myself more grace as a mom. I feel like I was brainwashed to not fail in raising them as perfect, godly young men. And every time I drop the ball, I am so angry with myself for disappointing God? I’m not sure where this came from. I need to trust in God’s plan for my boys and do my best – which is enough for God.
Kristin reck says
I am a mom who needs to make self care a
Bigger Priority.
Randa Berry says
My current state of mind as a mom is a whirlwind of emotions. I am beyond grateful for the four beautiful children God has blessed me with but being a parent is a marathon. There are times at the end of the day I feel so much joy and then there are times where I lie in bed wondering if I did enough today of showing my love and God’s grace through my actions. It is always helpful and encouraging reading about other moms and what God has taught them along the way. Thank you for the time you spend to encourage others through your blog!!
Jessica McCollum says
I would love to receive a copy of Jeannie’s book! I love my kids like crazy and want to raise them to know and love the Lord, unlike my upbringing. However, I struggle to offer grace to my children. I get frustrated with myself and the kids when our household isn’t perfect (that’s all the time). This book sounds like it offers a wonderful, new perspective for me.
Heather Strong says
What a great list! I added them to mine and I’ll be ordering the proverbs study. It sounds amazing! Thanks!
I’m in a season of being overwhelmed as a mama. I’m learning to release my plans and expectations to God and trusting that his plans will be far better than my own. But, it’s so hard. We are all still adjusting to baby #3! Lots of prayer.
Mark Heinze says
Thank you for the list and I hope you will consider a list of young readers books that you like also. I will be glad to contribute to that list as I’m sure others will also.
Jenny D says
My current state of mind as a mom is probably mostly about two things… this ride is way too fast, and have I been a good enough mom. Encouragement is always welcome. 🙂 I love being a mom, and I hope my kids will someday look back and know that I did my best for them.
Jena Siegrist says
Stressed out right now! We just made a huge move from Hawaii to New Jersey. I homeschool both of my boys and I feel like I’m behind on prepping for the homeschool year and settling into our new home.